Currency Rate

Zumzum Financials Knowledge Base

    How to add a new currency rate for a currency.

    Every currency you wish to use in Zumzum Financials will have its own Currency Rate record related to the Currency Record. You may add a single Currency Rate with a date far in the future, or you may add a new Currency Rate every day.

    To add a new currency rate for a Currency, please follow these steps:

    1. Go to Setup(Zumzum) tab
    2. Select Company Setup icon
    3. Go to the related lis and find the Currency.
    4. Click in the Currency Name.
    5. In the related list find the Currency Rate related list
    6. Either click Edit against the existing record or click New
    7. Enter the Currency to field to select an existing currency you wish to convert to (this should be setup in the system already)
    8.  Enter the Rate you wish to apply to this currency conversion
    9. Enter the Start Date that you wish to apply this currency conversion rate, to new transactions
    10. Enter the End Date that you wish to apply this currency conversion rate, to new transactions
    11. Click Save to create your new currency rate record.


    in Currency Rates Tags: Currency RateMulti Currency SettingsMulti-Currency