Add Part On A Case

Zumzum Financials Knowledge Base

    Add Part On A Case By Creating A Sales Order

    1. From an existing Case click the Add Part button to place an order.
    2. Search and select the desired item In the Product field box.
    3. Select the Warehouse you wish to dispatch the product from (only those warehouses that have stock available will be visible).
    4. Select the Location  you wish to dispatch the product from (only those locations that have stock available will be visible).
    5. Select Sales Order as New or you can choose an Existing order. (Selecting an existing order will add a line item to the existing sales order.)
    6. Select Dispatch  as New or you can choose and Existing dispatch record on the current chosen Sales Order record. (Selecting an existing Dispatch record for your existing Sales order will add a dispatch line item to the existing dispatch record .
    7. Click “Save
    in Sales Order Tags: CasePartSales Order