Disable Account Number Is Enforced Check

Zumzum Financials Knowledge Base


    This setting will disable the method in the account trigger, which triggers a validation message to require an “Account Number” when the user selects an account type of Customer or Supplier

    When selecting the Type on an account of either Customer Or Supplier, Zumzum Financials will require that a value is entered into the Account Number field before inserting or updating a record.

    In certain use cases, you may decide to you wish to disable this capability to support your business processes.

    This capability should be tested in your Sandbox before repeating in your production system.

    Follow these steps to disable this system control:

    Deactivate “AccttType” Validation Rule

    Follow these steps to deactivate this validation rule:

    1. Go to Setup and Object Manager
    2. Find the Account object
    3. Select Validation Rules
    4. Click on the rule name AccttType to view the rule details
    5. Click Edit and then untick Active
    6. Finally click Save to commit your changes

    Disable Account Number Enforced Checks

    Here are the steps on how to change this:

    1. Go to Setup
    2. In the Quick Find box search for Custom Metadata Types.
    3. In the list of metadata records find the Account Settings
    4. Click  Manage Records next to the Account Settings record
    5. Click Edit for Account Settings.
    6. Check the Disable Account Number Enforced field, disable by selecting the check box.
    7. Click Save.
    in Disable Account Number Enforced