Zumzum Financials Validation Rules

Zumzum Financials Knowledge Base


    Zumzum Financials comes with a set of validation rules for various objects, utilising the standard Salesforce validation rules feature. You are able to activate and deactivate the Zumzum Financials validation rules to suit your own business requirements. Alternatively, you may decide to clone the existing rules so that you may customise those to your needs or create your own validation rules.

    Zumzum Financials Validation Rules

    The current list of validation rules are in the table below. Please use the sort or search feature to review the information you need.  When you search, any row with your search text will be displayed by the automatic filter.

    Object name Validation rule name Description Comment Active
    Account AccttType When an Account is set to “Type” Customer or Supplier, the user must enter an account number. To be able to set this account as a Type “Customer” or “Supplier”, please enter an “Account Number” to save the record. Yes
    Account Enforce_Billing_Contact Enforce Billing Contact For Customer Account. Please enter a Billing Contact to save this Customer Account. No
    Account Enforce_Supplier_Account_Number When an Account is set to “Type” Supplier, the user must enter an account number. To be able to set this account as a Type “Supplier”, please enter an “Account Number” to save the record. Yes
    Account Account_Number Uniqueness_Check. Implemented via an account trigger to prevent the entry of a duplicate account number for suppliers, prospects and customer accounts. You may disable this with the custom Account metadata settings with the “Disable Account Number Uniqueness Check” setting https://www.zumzum.co.uk/knowledgebasezumzum/disable-account-number-uniqueness-check/ Yes
    Bank Account Mandatory_Nominal_Field You must select Nominal Account. Yes
    Bank Transfer Lock_Posted_Status Do not allow edit on posted bank transfer. You can not edit posted Bank Transfer. Yes
    Bank Transfer Lock_Posted_Status Do not allow edit on posted bank transfer. You can not edit posted Bank Transfer. Yes
    Batch Sales Invoice Settings Email_for_Send_with_an_Org_Wide_Email To be able to select this option, please enter an “Organisation Wide Email Address”. Please enter an “Organisation Wide Email Address” prior to selecting “Send with an Org Wide Email Address” and then save the record. Yes
    Company Setup Force_Corporate_Currency Force Corporate Currency for Multi Currency Organisation Corporate Currency must be selected for Multi Currency Organisations Yes
    Dispatch Check_Line_Items_before_dispatch You need to add Dispatch Line Items before you are able to set the status to “Dispatched” Yes
    Dispatch Status_is_required Status is required Yes
    Dispatch Line Item Dispatch_line_items_Validation Quantity Dispatched must be less than the Quantity Reserved. Yes
    Expense Sheet Status_Is_Locked_When_Set_To_Approved When the Expense Sheet Status is Approved, the Status is locked unless the user has the “Edit Approved Expense Sheets” custom permission. You do not have permission to change the Status of an Approved Expense Sheet. Yes
    Expense Sheet Detail Dimension1_Type_and_Active Validate the Dimension Type is 1 and Active Please make sure that the Dimension is Active and Type: Dimension 1 Yes
    Expense Sheet Detail Dimension2_Type_and_Active Validate the Dimension Type is 2 and Active Please make sure that the Dimension is Active and Type: Dimension 2 Yes
    Expense Sheet Detail Dimension3_Type_and_Active Validate the Dimension Type is 3 and Active Please make sure that the Dimension is Active and Type: Dimension 3 Yes
    Expense Sheet Detail Dimension4_Type_and_Active Validate the Dimension Type is 4 and Active Please make sure that the Dimension is Active and Type: Dimension 4 Yes
    Expense Sheet Detail Dimension5_Type_and_Active Validate the Dimension Type is 5 and Active Please make sure that the Dimension is Active and Type: Dimension 5 Yes
    Expense Sheet Detail Dimension6_Type_and_Active Validate the Dimension Type is 6 and Active Please make sure that the Dimension is Active and Type: Dimension 6 Yes
    Expense Sheet Detail Foreign_Unit_Amount_Greater_Than_Zero The user must enter a Foreign Unit Amount, greater than 0.00 Please enter an amount greater than 0.00 to save this Expense Sheet Detail Yes
    Expense Sheet Detail Narrative_Enforced User must enter a Narrative before saving an Expense Sheet Detail Please enter a Narrative to save this record Yes
    Expense Sheet Detail Nominal_Account_Enforced The user must select a Nominal Account to save the record Please enter a Nominal Account to save this record Yes
    Expense Sheet Detail Quantity_Must_Be_Greater_Than_0 Any quantity entered should be greater than 0.00 The Quantity should be greater than 0.00 to save this record Yes
    General Setup Starting_Document_Number Invalid number Yes
    Inbound Stock Movement Quantity_Positive_Value quantity must be greater than or equal to 0 Yes
    Inbound Stock Movement Type_Is_Required You must enter a value Yes
    Inbound Stock Movement Unit_Cost_Is_Requried You must enter a value Yes
    Journal Line Item Dimension_Type_and_Active Validate the Dimension Type is Active. Please make sure that the Dimension is “Active” Yes
    Ledger Validate_Paid_Amount Paid Amount should not be greater then Due Amount. Paid Amount should not be greater then Due Amount. Yes
    Nominal Category Can_Not_Change_Nominal_Type You can not change the “Type” of a Nominal Category. You are able to change the Name of the Nominal Category. Yes
    Outbound Stock Movement Quantity_Is_Positive Quantity must be greater than or equal to 0 Yes
    Outbound Stock Movement Type_Is_Required You must enter a value Yes
    Outbound Stock Movement Unit_Cost_Is_Required You must enter a value Yes
    Payment Gateway Transaction Page Setting CurrencyOrNumberField Please select a field which has a data type of ‘Number’ or ‘Currency’ to map to this field. Yes
    Purchase Invoice Enforce_Company Must insert a Company ID to save a Purchase Invoice. Please insert a Company ID to save this purchase. No
    Purchase Invoice Enforce_Account Must insert an Account ID to save a Purchase Invoice. Please insert an Account ID to save this purchase invoice. No
    Purchase Invoice Enforce_Amount Must insert an Amount to save a Purchase Invoice Line Item. Please insert an Amount to save this purchase invoice line item No
    Purchase Invoice Enforce_Company_Currency Must insert a Company Currency ID to save a Purchase Invoice. Please insert a Company Currency ID to save this purchase invoice. No
    Purchase Invoice Enforce_Corporate_Currency Must insert a Corporate Currency ID to save a Purchase Invoice. Please insert a Corporate Currency ID to save this purchase invoice. No
    Purchase Invoice Enforce_External_reference Please enter an External Reference to be able to save this record Enable if you require your users to enter this value and ensure your External Reference field is on the new and edit Purchase Invoice pages. No
    Purchase Invoice Enforce_Foreign_Gross Must insert a Foreign Gross to save a Purchase Invoice Line Item. Please insert a Foreign Gross to save this purchase invoice line item. No
    Purchase Invoice Enforce_Foreign_Net_Amount Must insert a Foreign Net Amount to save a Purchase Invoice Line Item. Please insert a Foreign Net Amount to save this purchase invoice line item. No
    Purchase Invoice Enforce_Foreign_Net_Total Must insert a Foreign Net Total to save a Purchase Invoice Line Item. Please insert a Foreign Net Total to save this purchase invoice line item. No
    Purchase Invoice Enforce_Foreign_Tax Must insert a Foreign Tax to save a Purchase Invoice Line Item. Please insert a Foreign Tax to save this purchase invoice line item. No
    Purchase Invoice Enforce_Foreign_Tax_Total Must insert a Foreign Tax Total to save a Purchase Invoice Line Item. Please insert a Foreign Tax Total to save this purchase invoice line item. No
    Purchase Invoice Enforce_Narrative Must insert a Narrative to save a Purchase Invoice Line Item. Please insert a Narrative to save this purchase invoice line item. No
    Purchase Invoice Enforce_Quantity Must insert a Quantity to save a Purchase Invoice Line Item. Please insert a Quantity to save this purchase invoice line item. No
    Purchase Invoice Enforce_Transaction_Currency Must insert a Transaction Currency ID to save a Purchase Invoice. Please insert a Transaction Currency ID to save this purchase invoice. No
    Purchase Invoice Validate_Status This Purchase Invoice is locked and prevents you from changing the status once it has been “Posted” to the ledger. Do not deactivate the “Validate Status” rule Yes
    Purchase Order Stock Movement Quantity_Is_Positive quantity must be greater than or equal to 0 Yes
    Purchase Order Stock Movement Unit_Cost_Is_Required You must enter a value Yes
    RecurringTransaction Last_Posted_field_read_only You must enter a value Yes
    Sales Invoice Block_Invoice_For_Account_On_Hold If the Account is On Hold, prevent the creation or editing of a sales invoice. This account is On Hold so you are unable to create or edit sales invoices. No
    Sales Invoice Enforce_Company Must enter a Company ID to save a Sales Invoice Line Item. Please enter a Company ID to save this sales invoice line item. No
    Sales Invoice Enforce_Company_Currency Must enter a Company Currency ID to save a Sales Invoice Line Item. Please enter a Company Currency ID to save this sales invoice line item. No
    Sales Invoice Enforce_Company_Gross_Total Must enter a Company Gross Total to save a Sales Invoice Line Item. Please enter a Company Gross Total to save this sales invoice line item. No
    Sales Invoice Enforce_Company_Net_Total Must enter a Company Net Total to save a Sales Invoice Line Item. Please enter a Company Net Total to save this sales invoice line item. No
    Sales Invoice Enforce_Company_Tax Must enter a Company Tax to save a Sales Invoice Line Item. Please enter a Company Tax to save this sales invoice line item. No
    Sales Invoice Enforce_Company_Tax_Total Must enter a Company Tax Total to save a Sales Invoice Line Item. Please enter a Company Tax Total to save this sales invoice line item. No
    Sales Invoice Enforce_Contact When a Sales Invoice is created or edited, the user must enter a “Contact”. Ensure you have your “Contact:” field on your page layout for users to complete. No
    Sales Invoice Enforce_Corporate_Currency Must enter a Corporate Currency ID to save a Sales Invoice. Please enter a Corporate Currency ID to save this sales invoice. No
    Sales Invoice Enforce_Foreign_Gross Must enter a Foreign Gross to save a Sales Invoice Line Item. Please enter a Foreign Gross to save this sales invoice line item. No
    Sales Invoice Enforce_Foreign_Net_Amount Must enter a Foreign Net Amount to save a Sales Invoice Line Item. Please enter a Foreign Net Amount to save this sales invoice line item. No
    Sales Invoice Enforce_Invoice_Due_Date When Sales Invoice is created or edited, the user must enter a “Invoice Due Date”. Enter an Invoice Due Date that is equal or greater than the Invoice Date Activate this rule if you are creating data via data imports or via the API and wish to enforce the entry of the Invoice Due Date or you do not wish to allow the “Invoice Due Date ” to be less than the actual Invoice Date. No
    Sales Invoice Enforce_Nominal_Account Must enter a Nominal Account to save a Sales Invoice Line Item. Please enter a Nominal Account value to save this sales invoice line item. No
    Sales Invoice Enforce_Product Must insert a Product ID to save a Sales Invoice Line Item. Please insert a Product ID to save this sales invoice line item. No
    Sales Invoice Enforce_Sales_Invoice_Due_Date Enforce Invoice Due Date and Invoice Due Date is greater than Invoice Date. Please enter an Invoice Due Date that is equal or greater than the Invoice Date. No
    Sales Invoice Enforce_Tax_Rate Insert a Tax Rate ID to save this sales invoice line item. Please insert a Tax Rate ID to save this sales invoice line item. No
    Sales Invoice Enforce_Total_Gross Must enter Total Gross to save a Sales Invoice Line Item. Please enter a Total Gross value to save this sales invoice line item. No
    Sales Invoice Enforce_Total_Net Must enter Total Net to save a Sales Invoice Line Item. Please enter a Total Net value to save this sales invoice line item. No
    Sales Invoice Enforce_Transaction_Currency Must enter a Transaction Currency ID to save a Sales Invoice. Please enter a Transaction Currency ID to save this sales invoice. No
    Sales Invoice Enforce_VAT_Amount Must enter VAT Amount to save a Sales Invoice Line Item. Please enter a VAT Amount value to save this sales invoice line item. No
    Sales Invoice Sales_Invoice_to_Credit_for_Sales_Credit If the Type of Sales Invoice record is set to Sales Credit, user must enter “Sales Invoice” lookup Ensure you have your
    “Sales Invoice to Credit” field on you page layout for users to complete.
    Sales Invoice Validate_Customer_Account_Type Account Type must be Customer. Sales Invoice Validation Rule: Account “Type” field must be set to value “Customer” to save this invoice Yes
    Sales Invoice Validate_Status This Sales Invoice is locked and prevents you from changing the status once it has been “Posted” to the ledger. Do not deactivate the “Validate Status” rule Yes
    Sales Invoice Lock_SI_Number_When_Posted Modification of a Sales Invoice number is locked and prevents you from changing the status once it has been “Posted” to the ledger. You can not change the Sales Invoice Number when the Status is Posted. Yes
    Sales Invoice Plan Block_Rescheduling_Once_Invoice_Created “Number of Sales Invoices” can’t be changed after Invoice Creation. Yes
    Sales Invoice Plan Template Percentage_Must_Not_Exceed_100 Percentage_Must_Not_Exceed_100 Please ensure your Total Percentage for a Milestone Sales Invoicing Plan is equal to 100% Yes
    Sales Order Custom_Rate_not_Allowed_Corp_Currency You cannot select Custom Rate for Corporate Currency If you are creating a Sales Order using the Corporate Base Currency, you may only use the standard system rate of 1 rather than the “Custom Rate”. Yes
    Sales Order Enforce_Contact_on_Sales_Order When SO is created or edited, the user must enter a “Contact” Please ensure you have added a Contact to your Sales Order so you may save No
    Sales Order Only_Synced_Quote_for_Sales_Order Only allow create/edit a Sales Order related to a Quote, if the Quote “isSynced = TRUE”. You should first sync your Quote to your Opportunity to be able to save this Sales Order. No
    Sales Order Required_Custom_Rate Please Select Currency Rate for Custom Rate When selecting “Custom Rate” on the Sales Order you will need to enter the “Custom Rate” to save the record. Yes
    Stock Balance Location_is_Required Location Required Yes
    Stock Balance Outbound_Less_Than_Equal_Inbound The aggregate outbound quantity on the stock balance cannot be more than the aggregate inbound quantity Yes
    Stock Balance Prevent_Update_Location_If_Movement You cannot change the location if there are associated stock movements. You must delete all stock movements in order to change the location. Yes
    Stock Balance Prevent_Update_Product_If_movement You cannot change product if there are associated stock movements. You must delete all stock movements in order to change the product Yes
    Stock Balance Prevent_update_Warehouse_If_movements You cannot change warehouse if there are associated stock movements.
    You must delete all stock movements in order to change the warehouse
    Stock Balance Product_is_inventory_product Only product where stock product field is true can be associated with stock balance Yes
    Stock Balance product_is_required You must enter a value for product Yes
    Stock Balance Warehouse_Must_Be_Entered Warehouse value must be entered. Please enter a value for Warehouse Yes

    How To Enable Zumzum Financials Validation Rules

    For Salesforce Lightning, to activate and deactivate the validation rules follow these steps

    If you wish to implement a validation rule, you may wish to activate or deactivate an  existing validation rule to suit your business requirement.

    Learn all about creating cloning and managing your Salesforce validation rules or complete the Salesforce Trailhead badge on Validation Rules.

    Please do this in your sandbox and test thoroughly before deploying to your production org.

    1. Click on the Gear icon on the top right of your screen .
    2. Click Setup.
    3. Select Object Manager from the menu .
    4. Type <Your Object Name> in the quick find box and open the object.
    5. from the menu, click Validation Rules.
    6. Open the Validation Rule you wish to configure.
    7. Click on the Edit button if you wish to activate or deactivate the rule.
    8. Tick the Active box to activate or deactivate the rule.
    9. click Save.

    For Salesforce Classic, to activate and deactivate the validation rules follow these steps

    1. Click on the Setup link at the of your screen .
    2. In the quick find menu on the left, search for Objects.
    3. Select the  Object.
    4. Scroll to the Validation Rules related list.
    5. Open the Validation Rule you wish to configure.
    6. Click on the Edit button if you wish to activate or deactivate the rule.
    7. Tick the Active box to activate or deactivate the rule.
    8. click Save.

    Clone a Zumzum Financials Validation Rule

    If you wish to make a change to the validation rule, you may wish to clone the existing validation rule and modify.

    Learn all about creating cloning and managing your Salesforce validation rules or complete the Salesforce Trailhead badge on Validation Rules.

    Please do this in your sandbox and test thoroughly before deploying to your production org.

    In Salesforce Lightning, to clone a validation rule follow these steps

    1. Click on the Gear icon on the top right of your screen .
    2. Click Setup.
    3. Select Object Manager from the menu .
    4. Type <Your Object Name> in the quick find box and open the object.
    5. from the menu, click Validation Rules.
    6. Open the Validation Rule you wish to configure.
    7. Click on the Clone button if you wish to make a copy of the rule.
    8. Edit any of the properties of your new validation rule.
    9. Select Save to record your changes.
    10. Remember to select Active once you are ready to test your new rule.

    In Salesforce Classic, to clone a validation rule follow these steps

    1. Click on the Setup link at the of your screen .
    2. In the quick find menu on the left, search for the required Objects.
    3. Select the required Object.
    4. Scroll to the Validation Rules related list.
    5. Open the Validation Rule you wish to configure.
    6. Click on the Clone button if you wish to make a copy of the rule.
    7. Edit any of the properties of your new validation rule.
    8. Select Save to record your changes.
    9. Remember to select Active once you are ready to test your new rule.