Trial Balance

Zumzum Financials Knowledge Base

    How Are The Balance Calculated on The Zumzum Financials Trial Balance Report?

    Zumzum Financials is a date driven system, with real-time reporting so does not require any specific procedure to transfer the previous period balances to the current period.

    The system automatically calculates all nominal account balances based on the transactions posted in the system from the very first day, to the End Month/End Year selected in the report page.

    How is The Retained Earnings/Profit Calculated on The Zumzum Financials Trial Balance Report?

    The value of the Retained Earnings/Profit account on the Trial Balance is calculated from all revenue and expense transactions in Zumzum Financials + any transactions posted directly to the Retained Earnings/Profit nominal account, e.g. via manual journals.

    Generate The Trial Balance Report in Zumzum Financials

    1. Navigate to Financial Reports tab in Zumzum Financials.
    2. Select Trial Balance option on the Financial Reports Tab.
    3. Enter the End Month, the report will include all transaction records to the last day of the month you select.
    4. enter End Year, the report will use this value in order to generate the report based on a date.
    5. Select Run Report, to run the report and display the results in the web interface.
    6. Select Export to Excel, to download the report as a spreadsheet
    in Trial Balance Tags: Advanced ReportsFinancial ReportsTrial Balance

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