Adding a Sales Invoice Plan Template to a Product

Zumzum Financials Knowledge Base

    How Sales Invoice Plan Templates Automatically Create Sales Invoice Plans.

    When creating a Salesforce opportunity, you are able to automatically generate Sales Invoice Plans to automate the creation of recurring Sales Invoices. When an opportunity product is added, that has a Sales Invoice Plan Template associated to it, the Sales Invoice Plan Template is linked to the Opportunity Product line.

    This gives you the flexibility of having different sales invoice rules associate to different products or product families so that you may mix up front invoice products and recurring invoice products.  Zumzum Financials will take care of scheduling and creating the Sales Invoices when they are due.

    Based on your own customised automation rules, you may trigger the creation of Sales Invoice Plans from an opportunity product line item. Read this help article to find out how to create Sales Invoice Plans from Opportunities in Salesforce.

    When your automation rule triggers the creation of a Sales Invoice Plan, the first opportunity product added to an opportunity will create a Sales Invoice Plan and then check if any of the other opportunity products have their own Product Sales Invoice Plan Template associated to them or not.

    If no Product Sales Invoice Plan Template is found ont he next opportunity product, then the system will add the opportunity product to the first Scheduled Sales Invoice as a Scheduled Sales Invoice Line item on the Sales Invoice Plan.

    If the next opportunity product is found to have it’s own Product Sales Invoice Plan Template, then it will create a new Sales Invoice Plan for this product.  Each opportunity product will be evaluated in turn and either added to the first Sales Invoice Plan or have it’s own Sales Invoice Plan created.

    Add a Sales Invoice Plan Template To A Product

    Before being able to use the Sales Invoice Plan feature, a product should be linked to the Sales Invoice Plan Template.

    1. Find the Product record
    2. Navigate to the Product Sales Invoice Plan Templates related list
    3. click on the New button.
    4. Use the lookup button to select a Sales Invoice Plan Template
    5. Select Save

    Alternatively, if you are working on the Sales Invoice Plan Template, then you are able to achieve the same result by following these steps:

    1. Find the Sales Invoice Plan Template
    2. Navigate to the Product Sales Invoice Plan Template related list
    3. click on the New button.
    4. Use the lookup button to select a Product
    5. Select Save