Edit Or Assign Your Opportunity Page Layout

Zumzum Financials Knowledge Base

    Edit Or Assign Your Opportunity Page Layout

    If you are using the Enterprise Edition you can assign the Zumzum Financials Opportunity page layout.  The custom page contains specific sections and fields to hold your financial data about your customers and suppliers.

    1. Click Your Name | Setup | Customize | Opportunities and choose Page Layouts or Record Types..
    2. In the page layout or record type list page, click Page Layout Assignment.
    3. Click Edit Assignment.
    4. Use the table to specify the Zumzum Financials Opportunity Layout page layout for each profile that requires access to accounting data
    5. Click Save


    Edit Your Page Layouts  (Professional/Enterprise Edition)

    If you are using the Salesforce Professional Edition you will need to edit your page layout to add the sections and custom fields to hold your financial data about your customers and suppliers. 

    To access page layouts for Accounts:

    1. Select Your Name | Setup | Customize.
    2. Choose Opportunities.
    3. Choose the Page Layout link.

    Work with the page layout editor to add the following components:

    • Add the Create Invoice button and Create Order buttons to the Custom Buttons component on the page layout. 
    • Add the following Related Lists to your page layout
      • Sales Orders
      • Sales Invoices
      • Purchase Order Line Items
      • Purchase Invoice Line Items
    in Company SetupManage Customer Data Tags: LayoutopportunitySetup